SunnySideUp, also known as Sunny, is an egg who adopted Lenay, Polispol, Slimecicle and Tubbo as her parents following the Egg Island Rescue on November 21, 2023. On May 24, 2024, it was confirmed Sunny had gone into cryogenic sleep.[1]
Sunny is a white egg with black legs sticking out of their shell and wearing black sunglasses. She often carries around a diamond in each hand to show off her riches. She can be seen wearing a pink and light brown cat head and red butterfly wings.[7]
Sunny is bossy and insecure.
She is emotionally intelligent, knowing when to leave people by themselves.[8]
Sunny often puts on a confident and cheery facade, saying that she "would never get nervous on camera".[9] Despite that, deep down she is very insecure and often worries about the other eggs not liking her.[Citation needed] She also once complained that because of Molly once assuming she wore a bra, she will never look at herself the same.[10]
Sunny is very good at building, taking great care to decorate both her own and Tubbo's builds. She loves stealing, but has her limits, refusing to steal Foolish's pet panda as it would be "mean".[11][12]
During her first days on the server she didn't want to wear armor, only conceding on Day 248 (November 27, 2023), almost a week after her arrival to the island.[13] Sunny likes dandelion flowers, coffee. crowns, boas and lots of money.[14] She likes showing off and having nice things. Her favorite color is orange.[15]
Butterfly wings
Butterfly wings Sunny stole from Foolish's Dragon on Day 243 (November 22, 2023) and that she often wore on her back before QSMP 2024 Launch.[16]
Golden crown
Gifted to Sunny by Phil on Day 243 (November 22, 2023).[17]
A turtle gifted to Sunny by Ramón, Wormtail was kept in a frame in The Bunker for some time.[18][Citation needed] As a result, Tubbo believed the turtle was dead. More recently, Sunny has begun to carry it around in her hand.
This is a brief summary. For in-depth stream recaps, see SunnySideUp/History.
Sunny was found by Cucurucho on Egg Island on November 21, 2023, together with Empanada and Pepito. The other eggs told Cucurucho that they had made new friends on the island, and the three of them were taken back to Quesadilla Island with the others. Cucurucho brought them to the Egg Adoption Center, where they were given adoption certificates telling them who their parents would be. The only one of Sunny's parents who logged on that day was Tubbo, who took her in and built her a place to sleep.
Sunny's first meeting with Philza left her with an overall positive impression of him, saying after seeing him tank a train that she wanted to be like him when she was older.[21] Philza, on the other hand, thought of her as a "spoiled egg that doesn't listen to her parents" (in reference to her refusal to wear armor during her first days on the server), all while respecting her intelligence, telling her that she would turn out great no matter what and helping her friendly bully Tubbo.[22][23][24][25] He'd also added both her and Tubbo to his bunker's allowlist and gifted her a golden crown.[26][17]
Their perhaps most notable interaction during that first meeting was Phil testing Sunny by offering to steal Foolish's pet panda, which Sunny refused, deeming it "mean" even though she was okay with stealing otherwise. That seemed to cement Sunny as a spoiled, but good-hearted kid in Phil's eyes.[12]
Originally Sunny and Leo had a very negative relationship, with Leo thinking Sunny was copying her and antagonizing the girl as a response, and Sunny being afraid of her and getting into confrontations in retaliation despite wanting to be friends. After the 2024 reset, however, and starting to live together in Town of Fobo, the two took a liking to each other, and became quite good friends.
Lullah has stated that she cannot trust Sunny because of her history and the fact that Sunny is from Egg Island, a place that was traumatic to her. However, she asked Sunny to wait for her and suggested that they may be able to become friends in the future. [Citation needed]
Sunny doesn't like Owen because he'd tried stealing her diamonds.[33] When Owen was later nice to her, Sunny was confused as to why. Tubbo explained that he was always nice, and that he only tried stealing the diamonds as a way to set krowfang up.[34]
"ur poor..." — Sunny to Tubbo upon learning he doesn't have a house[35]
“glasses are for cool people :D” — Sunny after BadBoyHalo complimented her sunglasses[36]
“duh pa / i light up everyones life :D” — Sunny to Tubbo[37]
"and this is why orange is MY color" — Sunny after Owen, whose favorite color is also orange, hit her[38]
“my family seems very confusing but I LIKE IT” — Sunny after TommyInnit tried explaining how her family worked[39]
About Sunny
“She's gonna go, like, take out a book from the library and not bring it back on time. She’s a little rebel. She loves stealing and money, and when offered fancy clothes, cause that’s what rich people wear, she was like ‘nah, they’re ugly’. She didn’t fall for it, dude. Fuck!” — Phil about Sunny[40]
As of March 2024, Sunny is the only egg to have never been downed.[41]